This year marks one of the most important events during the World War II. Known at the time as Operation Overload they were given one of the hardest jobs, for their time, to do. Whilst it wasn’t easy and unfortunately there were a lot of casualties, it happened to be one of the biggest turning points in the conflict. To commemorate the 70th anniversary of the D-Day landings is offering fabulous deals for you to visit France and the battlefields of Normandy. Many events are taking place this year to celebrate and remember those who tragically lost their lives whilst fighting for our country. have sailings from Portsmouth to Caen, Le Harve and Cherbourg along with Poole to Cherbourg perfect for visiting any of the D-Day celebration events.. They have a wonderful 3 night tour from only £230 per person which includes one night in Port en Bessin, Arromanches and Caen. To find out more about the amazing deals available from just follow the banner bar below and click on Guides for all the details.

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This year commemorates the 70th Anniversary of the D-Day landings on the beaches of Normandy. Over 130,000 soldiers landed on the beaches of Normandy during the early hours of the 6th June 1944, in what was then the biggest sea-borne invasion at the time. Operation Overload, as it was known, was to take France back from the Germans. They landed on 5 beaches, code names were Utah, Sword, Juno, Gold and Omaha and all still known by these names. Sword Beach and Arromanches or Gold Beach was invaded mainly British Soldiers with the Allied forces take the Omaha Beach and Utah Beaches and Canadian forces taking the Juno Beach. Today each of these beaches have special memorials and some still have the original German bunkers, gun batteries and other paraphernalia. are giving you the chance to get over to Normandy to explore the beaches and join in the 70th anniversary celebrations. Now is the perfect time to plan and book a trip of a lifetime and visit one if not all the historical landing beaches. The above link will take you through to all the details you need to know about each of the beaches and surrounding areas, along with all the planned activities and celebrations to commemorate the 70th anniversary.